Against the NYC Comprehensive Long-Term Planning Bill (Intro 2186)

On March 24, 2021, DID membership approved a resolution against the NYC Comprehensive Long-Term Planning Bill (Intro 2186)

Read the Resolution

The following letter was included with the resolution:

March 24, 2021

Hon. Bill de Blasio, NYC Mayor
Hon. Corey Johnson, NYC Council Speaker
Hon. Margaret Chin, Carlina Rivera, NYC Council Members
Hon. Gale Brewer. Manhattan Borough President

Dear Mayor de Blasio, Council Members Chin and Rivera, Speaker Johnson, and BP Brewer,

Enclosed please find a resolution approved by Downtown Independent Democrats General Membership on March 24, 2021:

Against the Comprehensive Long-Term Planning Bill (Intro 2186)

Speaker Johnson's Comprehensive Long-Term Planning Bill opens the door to developer takeover of the city's planning processes, displacement of existing residents, and co-option of community spaces for real-estate interests. Under this legislation, community voices are minimized and community input diminished. Community groups from Lower Manhattan and across the city have written an open letter against this long-term planning bill.

The solution to planning friction is to include more community control over the planning process, not remove community participation and feedback. Change comes from bottom-up organizing and community participation in local decision-making, not top-down impositions.

Consequently, DID asks that you VOTE NO on Intro 2186.


Richard Corman
President, Downtown Independent Democrats


cc: Hon. Andrew Cuomo, NYS Governor
Hon. Andrea Stewart-Cousins, NYS Senate Leader
Hon. Carl Heastie, NYS Assembly Speaker
Hon. Brad Hoylman, NYS Senator
Hon. Brian Kavanagh, NYS Senator
Hon. Harvey Epstein, NYS Assembly
Hon. Deborah J. Glick, NYS Assembly
Hon. Yuh-Line Niou, NYS Assembly

Hon. Chuck Schumer, U.S. Senate Majority Leader
Hon. Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Senator
Hon Carolyn Maloney, U.S. Representative
Hon. Jerold Nadler, U.S. Representative
Hon. Nydia Velazquez, U.S. Representative
Hon. Jumaane Williams, NYC Public Advocate
Hon. Scott Stringer, NYC Comptroller

Tammy Meltzer, Chair, Manhattan Community Board 1
Carter Booth, Chair, Manhattan Community Board 2
Alysha Lewis-Coleman, Chair, Manhattan Community Board 3