A Free Crash Course on the Democratic Party
Join DID this summer for It's Your Party, a crash course on the Democratic Party and how it operates in New York County, New York State and nationwide. We'll cover the basics in four online sessions during July and August, and local representatives will add color and context to the discussion. We will be adding more details about the speakers for each session so please check back or RSVP for updates!
Your Local Party
Monday, July 13
7:30 - 9:00 pm
Intro: Amanda Litman, co-founder Run for Something
Watch the full video here:
- How does the Democratic Party function on the local level?
- Learn how you can become an elected member of the county party
- Importance of the census for your local community
- How the Party can influence government policy on important issues like police reform
- How you can impact the judicial system
Your State Party
Monday, July 27
7:30 - 9:00 pm
Watch the full video here:
- How does the Democratic Party function on the state level?
- How is the NY State government set up?
- Importance of the census on a state level
- Redistricting & gerrymandering
- How you can influence your state representatives
Your National Party
Monday, August 3
7:30 - 9:00 pm
Intro: NY FOR BIDEN 2020 Outreach Director, Bill Wolfsthal, will join us to kick off this event.
Watch the full video here:
Your primer on the national conventions ahead of the presidential election in November
- What happens at the convention? Is it more than funny hats and balloon drops?
- What you can do to help shape national priorities
Democratic National Convention Watch Party
Date and Time TBD
- Join your fellow Democrats to watch the convention
- Hear commentary in real time from political experts on what is unfolding at the convention and why it’s important to you
- Get ready to do everything you can to get Trump voted out of office in November!
This event series is open to the public and all sessions are free to join. For more information, please contact [email protected]