Please RSVP below and join us Wednesday, September 25th at 6:30pm.
Doors will open at 6:00pm and the meeting will begin at 6:30pm. Please get there as early as possible to allow for time to sign in and then come to the studio for a snack and chat before the meeting starts. There is also a Zoom option when you RSVP.
Our Congressmember Dan Goldman will join us from Washington and our City Councilmember Christopher Marte will provide a City legislative update.
We will also be joined by Ny Whitaker of New York for Harris and Caroline Crowell, Distributed Director for the NY State Democratic Party. Early voting may have begun in Pennsylvania!
Membership will also be voting to fill two vacancies - Vice President and a Member-at-Large.
DID Vice President Taylor Banning is stepping away from the club for a time to focus on her coming baby! We are filled with joy for her!
Sue Burke, who had previously been on DID Exec, is seeking membership approval as Interim Vice President, replacing Taylor, and Morton Minsley, who had been serving us well as State Committee Member these last two years, is seeking to remain on DID Exec as a Member-at-Large.
As always, we will hear important local community updates.
It's a full agenda, so come on time so as not to miss any of it!
Please note that this meeting will be in-person with a Zoom option. While Zoom definitely provides some benefits, we keep up the spirit of community and the club by being together.
Look for email response with Subject: DID RSVP Confirmation & Details for September General Membership Meeting
We remain energized to support our endorsed candidates, work on our judiciary, and move our resolutions forward! Please come prepared to engage, volunteer, have some fun, and help in these areas however you can.
As always, our General Membership Meetings are open to all. Come join us and bring a friend!