Public Advocate Special Election Candidates Forum Jan 6

Downtown Independent Democrats is co-hosting two Public Advocate Candidates Forums. The first will be on January 6, the second on January 29.

Club members will debate and vote on their endorsement following the January 29 Forum.



January 06, 2019 at 2:00pm - 5pm


LGBT Center
208 W 13th St
New York, NY 10011
United States
Google map and directions


Lora Tenenbaum David Weiss Pete Davies Akm Mike Bhuiyan Jeffrey Schulman Louis Bevilacqua AnDre M. Christie Maud Maron Henry Lanier Jeannine Kiely Melissa Hsiung Lily Fan Susan Dess Christopher Vecchio Deley Gazinelli Valerie Dent Emily Hellstrom Christine Dimmick Georgia Tan Ross Dakin Richard Corman

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