DID June General Membership Meeting

Please RSVP below and join us Wednesday, June 22nd for our membership meeting.

AM Deborah Glick will be our special guest this month. She will talk about reproductive health and rights in New York in the shadow of the Supreme Court leak. In addition, New York State just passed its 2022 budget and ended its session with a flurry of legislation. Deborah will share with us the major achievements and disappointments in this session.

With the June Primary early voting underway and the August Primary heating up, will will get candidate updates. We need to continue to mobilize and support our endorsed candidates.


  • DID President Welcome
  • AM Deborah Glick - Reproductive Health in New York & Albany Update
  • District Leader & State Committee Updates
  • Primary Campaign and Candidate Updates

We remain energized to support our endorsed candidates, work on our judiciary, and move our resolutions forward! Please come prepared to engage, volunteer, have some fun, and help in these areas however you can.

As always, our General Membership Meetings are open to all. Come join us and bring a friend!

Click here for a one minute tutorial on joining a Zoom meeting.

Participants will generally be on mute. "Raise your hand" in the Zoom app to ask questions or enter them in the Chat section. Please keep questions and comments brief. We'll do our best to recognize as many people as possible.

RSVP below to receive Zoom details.

Look for email response with Subject: DID RSVP Confirmation & Zoom Details for General Membership Meeting


June 22, 2022 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm


RSVP to get Zoom details
New York, NY
United States
Google map and directions

Will you come?